Problem: Colman’s is seen as a dull brand by GenZ because it’s something only their grandparents have.

Insight: GenZ don’t realise some of the elderly generation still like to go clubbing.

Idea: Connect Colman’s to club culture.

Colman’s is seen as dull by GenZ and forgotten about by those who have it.

It’s often perceived to sit in the back of your grandparent's cupboard, collecting dust and being used once in a blue moon. It's not exactly a brand that screams cool.

This campaign aims to reinvent Colmans, making it appealing to GenZ and remembered by the older generation. Drawing inspiration from the mustard's strong kick and highlighting elderly audiences who still go out, we’ve connected Colmans as the next adrenaline booster to bring both GenZ and their grandparents back together in the upbeat atmosphere of the club, creating an exciting and remembered perspective for the brand.